DTI is committed to supporting the warfighter in Afghanistan by providing certified Mi-17/35 hardware and services at the best possible price. DTI is the only U.S. company to have provided all phases of Mi-17 life cycle support, including the delivery of new aircraft, field maintenance, training, spares and overhaul. 

DTI was competitively awarded its first aviation contract in Afghanistan in 2009.  The contract was to perform the Service Life Assessment of the Afghan Air Force L-39 fleet and it had a value of less than $30,000 USD.  Although small, that contract taught DTI many lessons about the difficulty working in that region.  It also taught the Customer that DTI is a company that could be depended upon to overcome those difficulties and provide a quality product.  Since that first job, DTI has been competitively awarded over $90M in other Afghan Aviation Support contracts.  DTI is proud of the role it is playing in support of our forces and in improving the lives of the Afghan people.

“…our team has partnered with a good contractor [DTI] to come up with winning programs that save lots of money and get the job done more effectively.” Brig Gen Michael R. Boera, Commanding General, CAPTF